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Police Blue Lenses

If spirituality had a colour, it would certainly be blue. Renowned artists such as Yves Klein embraced its appeal, going so far as to create a special pigment, for his famous monochromatic paintings. Pablo Picasso himself experienced a “Blue Period”, creating a series of famous works where blue was the theme.

In the sunglass industry, blue is inextricably linked to POLICE. The brand turned this colour into a ‘must have’ in the late 1980s-early 1990s, when the first sunglasses collection with exclusive blue-mirrored lenses was launched for De Rigo Vision.For about ten years, the blue-mirrored lenses were met with incredible success, acknowledged all over the world as a part of the POLICE heritage and eyewear collections, a symbol of freedom and life ‘on the road’, a new and revolutionary look.

The 2011 collection returns to the late 1980s-early 1990s era of blue-mirrored lenses, bringing its heritage and success to a new audience. The new collection features frames in acetate and metal, available in aviator or square shaped frames, made unique by the famous mirrored blue lenses, specifically designed for those who favour a contemporary, vintage style.
Rock becomes a lifestyle creating an atmosphere, which is powerful, rebellious, sexy, designed for strong personalities.

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